Why choose Maritime shipping for business:
The maritime industry plays a vital role in facilitation of trades between countries & continents. Marine shipping accounts for around 90% of traded goods worldwide. Shipping is used to transport food, medicines, technology equipment, ammunition and much more. For growth and sustainable development, cost efficient mechanisms of shipping are followed.
Some of the advantages of marine shipping are:
- Scale-Bulk quantities of any commodity can be transported across continents
- Wide-Covers almost all destinations across the world including islands
- Efficient-The sea does not require any large investments in infrastructure
- It’s a permanent activity- out at sea, nothing or practically nothing can stop vessel traffic.
- Versatile-Capable of meeting demands across multiple sectors including oil and gas, Chemicals, fertilizers, non-renewables, food & grains, equipment, transport and even the military
- Cost effective- It is the cheapest mode of transportation on a per unit cost basis!
- Flexibility- can club cargos of different types for different location.
- Less polluting than other modes of transport and promotes green logistics.
- Accommodative-Enables dangerous goods to be transportated
- Easy-Shipping containers can also be used for onward transport by road or rail
Marine shipping has a few disadvantages:
- Must be combined with other transport modes such as land and, in some cases, by air, in order to reach the final destination
- It can sometimes be slower than other types of transport. Further, weather conditions in seas and oceans can alter and delay journeys
- Not all countries have ports equipped to accommodate large container ships
Marine shipping is undoubtedly the most preferred transport for international logistics operations, despite all its constraints. It is used by companies that have to export or import goods between countries and continents that are separated by oceans and seas. In many ways therefore maritime shipping is the lifeline of trade and commerce across the world.
As a responsible participant in the marine industry, Amigoz is committed to supporting speed and efficiency without compromising on sustainability. We are particular that our services not just delight vessel owners but also the environment, and the marine eco-systems.